Reasons You Are Unsuccessful It Isnt Because Youre Lazy


Now, one of the questions I was asked recently is, “I’m doing everything to be successful, why am I not successful?” There are many reasons why you’re not successful, and a lot of people will say it’s because you’re lazy. But believe it or not, many individuals giving their all at their 9 to 5 jobs or other endeavors to make money are not lazy. What follows are reasons why you’re not successful that don’t involve laziness. I’ll also share how to overcome these issues standing between you and your greatness.

Pride and Ego

Pride and ego can be significant barriers to success. Many allow their ego to hinder their success or prevent them from living abundantly. Overcoming this involves being confident enough not to let pride get in the way and not caring about others’ opinions that hold you back. Blocking out the noise and focusing on your goals will make you unstoppable.


Indecisiveness can lead to stagnation. Fear of failure often causes people to avoid making decisions. To overcome this, create pros and cons lists, set deadlines, trust your instincts, and break down choices into smaller, manageable decisions.

Lack of Clarity

A lack of clarity can hinder progress towards your goals. Define your goals, write them down in detail, visualize success, and seek guidance from mentors or coaches to gain a clear perspective on what you want to achieve.


In a world of instant gratification, impatience can lead to cutting corners and choosing the easy way out. To combat this, practice patience, focus on one task at a time, and prioritize effectively to maintain your focus on long-term goals.

Thinking Too Small

Thinking small limits your potential for success. Dream big, aim for ambitious goals, and surround yourself with people who inspire you to think bigger to overcome this barrier.

Comparison Mode

Constantly comparing yourself to others can be toxic and counterproductive. Focus on your unique journey, create your path, and limit social media exposure to prevent negative comparisons that hinder your progress.

Following the Crowd

Doing what everyone else is doing or following trends can limit your potential and ambition. Be authentic, innovate, challenge yourself, and step out of your comfort zone to explore new possibilities and grow.

Striving for Perfection

Striving for perfection can be a roadblock to progress. Focus on making progress, starting before you feel ready, and getting things done rather than aiming for perfection.

Related Questions

1. How can pride and ego hinder success?

Pride and ego can prevent individuals from taking certain actions they perceive as beneath them, leading to missed opportunities for growth and success.

2. How does indecisiveness impact progress towards goals?

Indecisiveness can result in stagnation as individuals fear making decisions that could lead to failure, ultimately hindering their path to success.

3. Why is it essential to have clarity in goal-setting?

Clarity in goal-setting provides a clear vision of what you want to achieve, guiding your actions and decisions towards success without unnecessary confusion or obstacles.

4. What role does impatience play in hindering success?

Impatience can lead to shortcuts and choosing the easy way out, which may not result in sustainable success. Practicing patience and focusing on long-term goals is vital for overcoming this barrier.

5. How can individuals overcome the tendency to think too small?

By dreaming big, setting ambitious goals, and surrounding themselves with inspirational figures, individuals can break free from limiting thoughts and strive for greater achievements.

By Trista